Friday, January 30, 2009

Thesis Adviser

Last night I dreamed that I was having to walk the circle to please the whims of my thesis adviser (whom I think is angry with me constantly now), though he has nothing to do with bagua whatsoever. The catch was that I had to do it in a field full of tall grass, barefoot, and in the middle of the night (1:27 am, actually), i.e. in the dark. He had set it up intentionally that I'd run into a fence after a few go-arounds (?) even though the guy he watched before me had no such obstacle (and is a semi-nutter I knew in college that also has nothing to do with bagua or with my thesis adviser or even the school I'm attending for grad school). Then he yelled at me for running into the fence he put there. He also sternly bade me to wash my feet before and after doing it and sent me to this huge, elaborate fountain (conveniently located right by this otherwise desolate field) to do so.

I have no freaking idea. None.

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"The most important thing when studying the martial arts is not to be lazy. These skills are not easily attained. For them, one must endure a lot of suffering." -He Jinbao